
Dr Grant Rogers

General Practitioner

FRNZCGP, FRACGP - AHPRA: MED0001192157 - ABN: 12769346104

Dr Grant Rogers has had a variety of clinical senior leadership roles, across 3 countries in the last two decades. Recent role as Rural eMeds Chief Medical Officer/ Clinical Lead in eHealth NSW, where he successfully led the standardised build and implementation of Cerner’s eMeds application into 112 rural sites across rural NSW (on secondment from his usual DMS role at Tweed Byron Health Services Group in Northern NSWLHD); and prior CMIO/ Acting CMO in Bendigo Health, Victoria Australia; General Manager /GP at The Doctors Napier Accident and Medical Centre in Napier, New Zealand; and Chief Executive Officer of Suva Private Hospital, Fiji;

He continues in part-time General Practice in his residing city of Tweed Heads, NSW Australia.

He completed his medical training at Otago Medical School and MBA from Otago Business School in Dunedin, New Zealand. Along with Fellowships in General Practice and Medical Leadership from New Zealand and Australia, he recently achieved Fellowship and Physician Executive Certification (CPE) from American Association of Physician Leaders and graduated from the Australian Institute of Company Directors.

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